Building a Custom Web Browser in PyQt5 - A Step-by-Step Guide with Code


In this tutorial, we will be building a custom web browser using the PyQt5 library and the QWebEngineView class. PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt libraries, and QWebEngineView provides a widget for displaying web pages. We will be using the QMainWindow class to create the main window for our browser, and the QLineEdit, QToolBar, and QPushButton classes for the address bar, toolbar, and buttons.


Step 1: Setting up the Environment

  • Before we begin coding our browser, we need to make sure we have the necessary libraries installed. The PyQt5 library can be installed using the pip package manager with the command "pip install PyQt5".


Step 2: Creating the Browser Class


import sys

from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl,QFile, QTextStream

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLineEdit, QToolBar, QPushButton

from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView,QWebEnginePage


class Browser(QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self):


        self.setWindowTitle("My Browser")


        self.view = QWebEngineView(self)



    def read_stylesheet(self):



  • In the above code, we import the necessary libraries and create a new class called "Browser" that inherits from the QMainWindow class.
  • In the init method, we create an instance of the QWebEngineView class and set the window title of our main window.
  • We also create a method called read_stylesheet that will read the stylesheet file and set it for the browser.


Step 3: Adding the Address Bar and Toolbar


        # Create the address bar

        self.address_bar = QLineEdit()



        # Create the toolbar

        self.toolbar = QToolBar()




  • In the above code, we create the address bar using the QLineEdit class and add it to a toolbar created with the QToolBar class.
  • We also connect the returnPressed signal of the address bar to a method that will load the URL entered by the user.


Step 4: Adding the Back and Forward Buttons


    # Create back button

    self.back_button = QPushButton(""<")




    # Create forward button

    self.forward_button = QPushButton(">")







·       In the above code, we create two buttons, one for going back and one for going forward, using the QPushButton class.

·       We also connect the clicked signal of these buttons to the back() and forward() methods of the QWebEngineView class.

·       We add the toolbar to the main window


Step 5: Loading the URL


def load_url(self):

        url = self.address_bar.text()




  • In the above code, we create a method called load_url that will take the text from the address bar and use it to load a web page using the load() method of the QWebEngineView class.


Step 6: Updating the Back and Forward Buttons


def update_back_forward_buttons(self):





  • In the above code, we create a method called update_back_forward_buttons that will be called when the web page is finished loading. This method will update the enabled state of the back and forward buttons based on whether the back() and forward() actions are available.


Step 7: Styling the Browser using a CSS File

  • Create a stylesheet file called "styles.css" that can be used to customize the look and feel of our browser.
  • In the read_stylesheet method, read the stylesheet file and set it using the setStyleSheet() method of the QMainWindow class.


Step 8: Running the Application


app = QApplication(sys.argv)

browser = Browser()




  • In the above code, we create an instance of the QApplication class and our Browser class
  • We call the show() method of the Browser class to display the main window.


Complete Code:


import sys

from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl,QFile, QTextStream

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLineEdit, QToolBar, QPushButton

from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView,QWebEnginePage


class Browser(QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self):


        self.setWindowTitle("My Browser")


        self.view = QWebEngineView(self)



    def read_stylesheet(self):

        file = QFile("styles.css")

        # Create the address bar

        self.address_bar = QLineEdit()



        # Create the toolbar

        self.toolbar = QToolBar()



        # Create back button

        self.back_button = QPushButton("<")




        # Create forward button

        self.forward_button = QPushButton(">")










    def load_url(self):

        url = self.address_bar.text()



    def update_back_forward_buttons(self):




app = QApplication(sys.argv)

browser = Browser()




#build a web browser using python, #build a web browser in 4 minutes,build your own custom web browser using chatgpt,build your own web browser in python,how to build a website in python,custom web browser,custom web browser tutorial,how to build a website in streamlit,how to build a search engine in python,make browser in python,make a browser using python,how to make a web browser,build your own custom web browser using chatgpt and python,pyqt5 tutorial
